Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Beginning

I flew on my first transatlantic-flight.  I vomited all over the aisles and myself, but I survived, and so did my baggage.  England has already been a whirlwind, and I really need some time to process what I've already seen and experienced.

I'm in Stratford-Upon-Avon, where Shakespeare was born and is buried.

Here are some highlights so far:
1) I'm in England.  2) Our bed and breakfast is absolutely adorable, and our hosts are the sweetest people you could hope to have as hosts.  3) I've seen two Shakespearean plays at the Royal Shakepeare Company's current theatre.  4) I've strolled past and stopped to admire Shakespeare's birthplace.  5) I've seen two real and completely different castles.

Most importantly, I've had some incredible experiences with God already.  Kristin said to look out for and make note of my experiences with God as "generational," and that's clearly something I'm already learning.  Today we drove from Stratford to Coventry to attend an Anglican service at Coventry Cathedral.  The back story: Coventry Cathedral was the only Cathedral bombed out during WWII, and rather than rebuilding the old remains, the church chose to create a new cathedral adjacent to the bombed site.  On the alter of the ruins, the words "Father Forgive" were inscribed right after the bombing.
I was so moved by the experience of the ruined cathedral, but even more, the service was an incredible showing of tradition that is still being pressed forward by the spirit.  The church is very traditional in its worship, yet their thoughts about forgiveness and reconciliation of the world have sparked their desire to fight as a body for God's spirit to move in reconciling His creation.

There really are no words to describe how beautiful it was to experience.

I need to upload photos soon...

1 comment:

  1. <3 the story about the cathedral Steph!! Cant wait to hear more! Miss you girl have fun and be saFE!!!
